This is the sequel to the 2008 hit telefantasya, Luna Mystika. The series is set in the fictional outskirts of Barrio Mausok where Luna and Blanca live. The two are believed to be the last descendants of Luna, the woman with a distorted face and Celestina, her mystical twin shadow. Luna and Blanca are twin sisters with completely opposite features, one with a very dark complexion and the other one with fair skin. The series is divided into three chapters. On its first chapter, the series features child stars, Jillian Ward and Mona Louise Rey in the title roles. On the second chapter, which will revolve around the teenage years of Luna and Blanca, teen stars Bea Binene and Barbie Forteza will play the roles, respectively. In the last chapter, actresses Bianca King and Ms. Heart Evangelista will play the adult Luna and Blanca, respectively.