Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Blot Says...: My Little Pony x Mimoco Pinkie Pie Mimobot USB ...

My Little Pony x Mimoco Pinkie Pie Mimobot USB Flashdrive

Mimoco has announced the next My Little Pony Mimobot from Hasbro's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic television series and it’s Pinkie Pie, the happiest pony around! Not only is Pinkie Pie one of MLP’s most popular ponies, she also has “Pinkie Sense” which gives her the strange ability to predict the future. Kind of makes her the perfect addition to the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Mimobot line don’t you think!?!

The My Little Pony x Mimoco Pinkie Pie Mimobot USB Flashdrive comes in a range of 8GB to 128GB memory capacities, and is preloaded with bonus My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic themed digital extras like wallpapers, icons, and avatars. The Pinkie Pie Mimobot USB Flashdrive is currently available now for purchase at Mimoco's online store starting at $24.95.



The News from http://always-jessica.blogspot.com