Police say a Big Lots cashier hooked up two accomplices with over $800 worth of merchandise. Jessica Rosario, 36, of Fremont Street in Lancaster is accused of not properly ringing up items when two other women went through her line at the Bog Lots located at 1262 Millersville Pike. On July 14th, Gloria Perez, 39, of New Dorwart Street, Lancaster, went through Rosario’s line and left with 39 items that were not properly checked out. Total loss to the store was $158. Then on July 22nd, Kristina Sanchez, 19, of West Grant Street, Lancaster, went through Rosario’s line and left with 101 items that Rosario failed to properly ring up. Total loss to the store was $667.
Perez and Sanchez have each been charged with one count of Retail Theft. Rosario has been charged with two counts of Retail Theft. All complaints were filed before Magisterial District Justice Sponaugle.