LemonMeter | Nov 26, 2012 | Comments 0 |
Although director Ben Guillory’s staging suffers from occasional pacing lags that remind you that this is a rather long play, the ferocity of the play’s emotions rings true and draws in the audience in a way that more modern, less naturalistic dramas rarely do. Much of the credit for the show’s success must be laid at the feet at Olivia’s beautifully sensual turn as “bad girl” Anna, a turn that simmers with sexuality even as it also cracks with vulnerability.
Paul Birchall – Stage and Cinema
Director Ben Guillory has assembled a large and mostly able cast, and Tom Meleck has provided a huge and finely detailed set. Olivia adroitly avoids melodramatic clichés by emphasizing Anna’s human frailty and insecurity.
Neal Weaver – Backstage
Good acting, good direction, good costumes, good set, good timing, good lighting – all of the essentials come together to make this a good show.
Donloe – Donloe’s Lowdown
Notwithstanding its dated moral perspective, Anna Lucasta is an enjoyable play with elements of sex, love, family dysfunction and happily-ever-after redemption framed with irony and humor. On balance, the performances are quite good under Ben Guillory’s direction.
Lovell Estell III – LA Weekly
Presented by the Robey Theatre Company
In association with the Latino Theater Company
At Los Angeles Theatre Center
514 S. Spring St., L.A.
Nov. 10–Dec. 9, 2012
Tickets: $30; (866) 811-4111 or (213) 489-0994
Filed Under: Featured • LemonMeter • Top Rated
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