Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Snooki in Lorenzo's stroller | Hot Celebrity News and Updates

sapna thapa says:

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Wow! .I did -15 lbs last 2 weeks.Open

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Nah! .I did -40 lbs in one week.Go to

Vova Suzonov says:

Hi! I’m John.I did -35 lbs past 2 month.Open


Haylee Suggs says:

ahaha..omg..o the tires are flat..JEONNI!!…omg..snooki’s crazy, but I love her!!!

Noe Sanchez says:

I bet she hasent smoked Molly

Toshirou Hitsugaya says:

hey don’t blame snooki

Marie Bernazar says:

Started watching music videos and now i’m watching this….DAFUQ?!

camilla bringner says:

Yeah, going on this show will really help the kid.

Von KittyCat says:

i would smash that girls electronics, i would not drive her anywhere but school, and you know take away any bad clothing and replace them with weirder clothing. :) (lol smiley face)

Victoria Jimenez says:

It says full ep….

kicknitwithJaed says:

has snooki seen this ?? smh.

Liv_In_The_Moment says:

this is really fake

Narkissa18 says:

Portugal x)))

PizzaIsGood101 says:

Snooki is gorgeous now, where have you been??

etsku x says:

snooki wants smoosh smoosh

Narkissa18 says:

snooki is ugly… what an idol -.-

nellieluv2010 says:

that lil girl doesn’t even sound convincing…usually maury has better acting than that. and giving kids names with apostrophes in them like cel’andrea is just asking for trouble.

Arleny Baez says:

wtf is this..

viannly gracia says:

she looks 18 not 13 at all

anonym7643 says:

0:10 Love her eyes:)

Sam Jeon says:

She is way too funny

MrLahms says:

simply great. cant come of out the reality of getting a iphone for doing some questionnaire :) . be mature and do this, make sure you tell the address and email properly to send the giftbox. have a try and enjoy :) –>

Omskanielar says:

Cel’Andrea… Well, a kid with that… What did the mother expect?

But tbh, this is too fake to be real, sooo…

ash103109 says:

Oh the acting here is incredibly impeccable..

Hope Freeman says:

She Sound just Like Snookie…!!

jayylane17 says:

This shit is so fake. lord help us.

XDinoStephX says:

just not america…they do that a lot in mexico too

spallex39 says:

Cartman ” i do what i want”

Makayla Seals says:

Wow some much troubled some teenagers why do they cause trouble so much!! I don’t understand (help me someone!!)


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