Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stacey Dash Endorses Romney, Twitter Explodes | WebProNews

Stacey Dash Endorses Romney, Twitter Explodes

When “Clueless” actress Stacey Dash tweeted about her endorsement for Mitt Romney, she had no idea of the backlash she was inviting upon herself.

Dash has been the target of hateful comments on the social media site since she voiced her opinion, some of which are racially tinged. The incident has led to outrage on behalf of the actress, with public figures like Sandra Fluke responding in her posts.

It all began with a post from Stacey showing support for Romney (and inexplicably wearing a Baywatch-esque bathing suit) and quickly led to replies like, “You’re an unemployed black woman endorsing @MittRomney. You’re voting against yourself thrice. You poor beautiful idiot.” Dash quickly retorted, “My humble opinion…EVERYONE is entitled to one.”

Dash is now garnering support from both the Romney campaign and her friends, who have been posting on her behalf on Twitter.


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